Plots of weathering indices such as the CIA-K and base loss are consistent with a pedogenic origin for these horizons. Down profile P2O5 abundance is also consistent with surficial bioaccumulation and subsurface depletion. With the well understood chemical composition of the Picture Gorge Subgroup of the Columbia River Basalt, these paleosols are also ideal for mass balance calculations that can be used to test the degree of geochemical alteration of these paleosols. Samples were collected in profiles from the overlying basalt flow, through the paleosol, down to the underlying flow. Ca, Na, Mg, Fe2+, Fe*, and P have been extensively lost from the A and Bt horizons of the paleosols relative to the parental basalt, consistent with modern weathering patterns. K and Rb have been added to the upper portions of the profiles and lost in the lower portions of the profiles, with Rb added disproportionately. Historically, this pattern in K has been cited as evidence of metasomatism. However, element mobility patterns in the lower portion of the overlying basalt flows are inconsistent with fluid flow along lithological contacts. The apparent metasomatism can be explained using a new model. There was extensive contemporaneous felsic volcanism in the Cascades. K and Rb were likely added proportionately by windborne ash given their geochemically similar behaviour. The apparent discordance between K and Rb can be explained by the presence of vegetation since K is an important electrolyte and Rb does not serve any major biological role. A model of windborne addition may be a viable explanation for apparent K metasomatism in other paleosols throughout geologic time. This work suggests that interflow paleosols faithfully record pedogenesis and may be an important and largely untapped source of paleoclimatic data.