The first and most fundamental phase is a comprehensive, searchable catalog of all geoscience maps in the United States, in either paper or digital format. The users, upon searching the NGMDB catalog and identifying the map(s) they need, are linked to the appropriate organization for further information about how to procure the map. The map catalog presently is supported by two databases developed under the NGMDB project: 1) GEOLEX, a searchable geologic names lexicon; and 2) Geologic Mapping in Progress, which provides information on current mapping projects.
The second phase of the project focuses on public access to digital geoscience maps, and on participation in the development of U.S. and North American digital map standards and guidelines needed to improve the utility of those digital maps. The third phase, now under development through a series of prototypes, is an online, "living" database of geologic map information at various scales and resolutions. Information can be found at The NGMDB is being designed to be compatible with a national geoinformatics information network.