Paper No. 0
Presentation Time: 10:15 AM
P-T dependence of Zr and Ti
incorporation in almandine garnet has been assessed in high pressure and
temperature experiments employing a piston-cylinder apparatus with
NaCl-graphite furnaces. Starting materials were well-characterized, synthetic
pure and Zr- or Ti-doped almandine (1000 and 5000 ppm, respectively), and
natural quartz, zircon, and rutile. Experiments were unbuffered with respect to
H2 fugacity. Trace to minor Zr substitution (50 1000 ppm) was
studied by equilibrating stoichiometric almandine, zircon and quartz in
nominally dry Ag80Pd20 capsules at 8001100 ºC, 5-20
kbar. This substitution appears to follow a kimzeyite-type coupled exchange (ZrVIAlIV
AlVI-1SiIV-1) as buffered by the
assemblage almandine-zircon-quartz (GZQ) via the reaction Fe3Al2Si3O12
+ ZrSiO4=Fe3(AlZr)(Si2Al)O12 +
2SiO2. EMPA and SIMS analyses on run-product almandine show a strong
decrease in Zr with pressure and a strong increase with temperature.
Compositions were reversed by equilibrating the Zr-doped almandine with zircon
and quartz over the same P-T range. Rims of lower Zr-almandine are evident in
these run products, particularly in those of the highest temperature runs. The
newly grown rims are extremely thin and difficult to analyze but do appear to
be approaching the values of the forward reaction. A multiple linear regression
of our data yields the following equation for Zr content in almandine: Zr (ppm)=453.9140 19.2721P + 0.8644T,where P is in kbars, T is in ºC and the R2=0.977.
P-T estimates made using the GZQ
thermobarometer on natural samples agree well with conventional KD thermobarometers and P-T net predictions. Minor substitution
of Ti (1000-5000 ppm) in garnet was investigated by equilibrating the
assemblage almandine-quartz-rutile (GRQ) at 800-1000° C, 13-20 kbar. This
substitution appears to be controlled by the coupled exchange TiVIAlIV
AlVI-1SiIV-1 in the GRQ system via
the reaction Fe3Al2Si3O12 + TiO2=Fe3(AlTi)(Si2Al)O12 + SiO2.
Preliminary analyses of the product almandine indicate isobaric increase in Ti
with T and a strong isothermal
decrease with P. This is consistent
with observations in natural assemblages and will have application to eclogites
and other high and ultra-high pressure rocks.