The sedimentary rocks of the Pinda Formation were deposited in the Lower Congo basin, in environments ranging from tidal flat to shallow marine shelf. Detrital clay grains were derived from the metamorphic basement rocks of the Congo Craton, while smectite-rich soil was transported into the Lower Congo basin. Authigenic clay minerals formed either by alteration of detrital clay grains, or direct precipitation from pore solutions (neoformation). Increasing temperature and pressure associated with burial diagenesis transformed detrital kaolinite and smectite into mixed layer illite/smectite, illite, or chlorite. Changes in pore water chemistry caused by dissolution of mafic minerals and/or carbonate rocks and subsequent flushing through clastic units during diagenesis also may have been important in controlling clay mineral formation and chemistry. Successive transgressive/regressive events altered pore fluid conditions and led to the development of halite, calcite, dolomite, albite and clay mineral cements.
Clay mineral distribution in the 67-4ST and 79-1 wells appears to be controlled to some extent by original depositional facies. Chlorite, while present in all facies, is most prevalent in the more distal environment (shoreface, marine shelf), whereas illite is the dominant clay mineral in nearshore environments (tidal flat, lagoon).