Examples of some negative feedback loops illustrated are: the CO2 induced greenhouse-temperature+rainfall feedback as it affects the rate of uptake of CO2 by Ca-Mg silicate rock weathering; the feedback due to CO2 fertilzation of plant growth with consequent increased uptake of CO2 via silicate weathering; the Lenton-Watson plant-mediated phosphate weathering feedback as a nutrient control of organic matter burial and O2 production; the feedback due to inhibited plant productivity and organic C burial as a result of extra O2 production from increased marine org-C burial; and the O2-dependent Fe-P vs org-P sediment burial feedback on O2 production by nutrient-limited sedimentary organic matter burial. Some positive feedbacks are: greenhouse warming by CO2--greater CO2 production by the weathering of ancient org-C in shales and consequent further warming; greenhouse warming by CO2--greater decomposition of methane hydrates--more CH4 and CO2 production and consequent further warming. The latter positive feedback may help explain a number of sudden warmings and positive excursions in CO2 over geologic time.