East of the fault, the rocks are more continental and include quartzite, phyllite, and rhyolite, repeated by several large, previously unrecognized folds. Rhyolite and quartzite in a north-opening, isoclinal syncline near Squaw Peak have been correlated with the Red Rock Group and Mazatzal Group, respectively. Quartzites and phyllites further to the east are more likely equivalent to the Alder Group.
Granitic intrusions are exposed to the northwest and southeast. The intrusion to the northwest is granodiorite to tonalite, includes a finer grained porphyritic phase, and locally contains steep, northeast-striking mylonitic fabric and shear zones. The granite to the south is less deformed and is coarsely porphyritic.
Proterozoic structures include northeast-striking, steeply southeast-dipping cleavage and at least three large, steeply plunging isoclinal folds. Based on well-preserved cross-beds, quartzite units east of the Squaw Peak fault mostly have their stratigraphic tops to the northwest and are overturned. Units west of the fault also dip southeast, but are upright, except along an isoclinal syncline just west of the fault. The juxtaposition across the Squaw Peak fault of overturned and upright sections, which lack clear stratigraphic ties to each other, implies that the fault has substantial displacement.