To provide a more objective interpretation of the morphological transformations leading to blastoids and the recognition of derived character states, morphology of blastoids and closely related species allowing were compared. Thirty morphological characters (21 binary and nine multistate characters) were defined and scored for the edrioblastoid Astrocystites ottawaensis; the parablastoids Blastoidocrinus carchariaedens and Meristoschisma hudsoni; the eocrinoids Bockia neglecta and Lysocystites sculptus; the glyptocystitoid rhombiferans Glyptocystites elhersi and Cystoblastus leuchtenbergi; the hemicosmitid rhombiferans Hemicosmites extraneus and Caryocrinites ornatus; the coronoids Cupulocorona salopiae, Mespilocystites bohemicus, and Stephanocrinus angulatus; and all described Ordovician and Silurian blastoids: Macurdablastus uniplicatus, Decaschisma pulchellum, Polydeltoideus enodatus, and Troosticrinus reinwardti. Cladistic analysis results in two most parsimonious trees, 60 steps long differing only in the position of Astrocystites. Both trees show blastoids as a monophyletic group most closely related to Lysocystites. Coronoids form the sister group to the clades including Lysocystites and blastoids. The possession of hydrospires, recumbent ambulacra, and envaginated radial plates surrounding the lancet are blastoid synapomorphies and thus morphological developments, which occurred during the origin of the clade. Other features argued to be diagnostic for blastoids including narrow holomeric stem, presence of deltoid plates, bud-shaped theca, and blastoid thecal plate formula are plesiomorphic.