The behavior of S during crystallization of felsic magmas is important to understanding S-rich volcanic eruptions and formation of ore deposits. S is present in magma as sulfide and sulfate; sulfide dominates at low fO2 and sulfate dominates at high fO2. Sulfides and anhydrite, the most common S-bearing phases in igneous rocks, are easily destroyed during degassing or low temperature alteration. However, significant amounts of S substitute in apatite and biotite, which can be used to indicate the behavior of S during crystallization, particularly the appearance of a S-bearing mineral or S-rich vapor phase.
Biotite in felsic magmas can contain up to 0.1% ppm S, which is buffered by reactions such as:
2KFe3AlSi3O10(OH)(HS) + 2O2=2KAlSi3O8 + 2Fe3O4 + S2 + 2H2O
indicating that S contents of biotite decrease with increasing fO2 or decreasing fS2. Biotite from the oxidized Last Chance stock near Bingham (UT) has no detectable S whereas biotite from the reduced Clayton Peak stock (UT) contains about 400 ppm S. The presence of S-rich biotite indicates that sulfide is the dominant form of S in the magma and that the magma may have saturated with respect to sulfide.
Apatite in felsic intrusive rocks contains up to 1 wt% SO3, which is commonly zoned in sulfate as shown by S X-ray mapping. The S content of apatite is controlled by:
12Ca5(SO4)1.5(SiO4)1.5(OH)+20Fe3O4+102SiO2=60CaFeSi2O6+36S2+37O2+6H2O (1) and
4Ca5(SO4)1.5(SiO4)1.5(OH)+7S2+21O2=20CaSO4+6SiO2+2H2O (2).
In the absence of anhydrite the S content of apatite will decrease with decreasing fO2, fS2 and fH2O. Reaction (2) indicates that sulfate in apatite is buffered at a high level in the presence of anhydrite. The Hanover-Fierro stock (NM) contains magmatic anhydrite in deep parts of the stock. Apatite in this part of the stock is unzoned and contains 1 wt % SO3. The upper part of the stock has no magmatic anhydrite but has zoned apatite with high S cores (0.7 wt. % SO3) and low S rims (<0.04 wt. % SO3). The observed zoning in apatite in the upper part of the stock is likely caused by fluctuations in the fO2-fS2-fH2O conditions due to removal of a vapor phase rather than anhydrite saturation. These data show that sulfur content and zoning of biotite and apatite can provide important information on saturation of a S-bearing mineral or vapor phase.