Chloride in igneous rocks has four main sources: 1) salts or fluids present in fractures, 2) salts or fluids present in intergranular pores, 3) isolated fluid inclusions within mineral grains, and 4) chemically bound Cl in hydrous minerals such as biotite and hornblende. Distinguishing between Cl from fracture walls and in salts or fluids in the rock matrix is difficult because of the high porosity and permeability of the tuff. Standard crush-leach practice tends to extract both fracture-wall and grain-boundary salts and fluids and may dissolve fluid inclusions from broken mineral grains. Long-term leaching may also extract the chemically bound Cl.
Published data show that Yucca Mountain tuffs contain about 170 mg/kg total rock Cl and pore fluids contain about 34 mg/L Cl. Therefore, for the welded Topopah Spring Tuff in the ESF (porosity=8.1 vol. %), pore water Cl contributes only about 1 mg Cl to total rock Cl (i.e. <1%). To determine the relative importance of leachable Cl components in the tuff and more clearly understand Cl-leaching characteristics, Cl has been leached from dry-drilled cores in the ESF for various leach times and fragment sizes. Attempts also have been made to determine the distribution of chemically bound Cl by electron microprobe.