Using x-ray microtomography both vertical and horizontal microfractures have been imaged in small cores taken from Cenozoic mudstones in the North Sea Central Graben. These mudstones are situated in the transition zone between normal hydrostatic pressure and overpressure and may episodically rupture and expel fluids through the development of microfractures. Three general morphologies of microfractures were imaged. In one sample the microfractures imaged are subparallel and vertical while in other samples horizontal microfractures were imaged. Comparison of the samples containing the horizontal microfractures show a single, through-going microfracture in one sample and a blocky, disconnected fracture system in another sample. It is possible that some of the microfractures were induced during sampling, however, the presence of diagenetic anhydrite indicates that the microfractures formed in the subsurface. In addition, the microfractures have altered fracture margins. Higher Al/Si ratios have been determined for the North Sea samples based on qualitative EDS analyses suggesting that the fracture margins have undergone more complete alteration of smectite to illite. The widths of the fractures are, on average, 10 microns and if distributed over a larger distance could conduct a large volume of fluid over geologic time. In some samples the anhydrite has completely sealed part of the microfractures, thus destroying the ability of the microfractures to transmit fluids.