Paper No. 1
Presentation Time: 1:30 PM
JOHNSON, James W.1, NITAO, John J.
1, STEEFEL, Carl I.
2 and KNAUSS, Kevin G.
2, (1)Geosciences & Environmental Technologies Division, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, L-221, P.O. Box 808, Livermore, CA 94550, (2)Geosciences & Environmental Technologies Division, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, L-204, P.O. Box 808, Livermore, CA 94550,
Geologic sequestration represents a promising strategy for isolating CO
2 waste streams from the atmosphere. Successful implementation of this approach hinges on our ability to predict the relative effectiveness of subsurface CO
2 migration and sequestration processes as a function of key reservoir and cap-rock properties, which will enable us to identify optimal target formations and evaluate their long-term isolation performance. Quantifying this functional relationship requires a modeling capability that explicitly couples multiphase flow and kinetically controlled geochemical processes. We have developed a unique computational package that meets these criteria by integrating a state-of-the-art reactive transport simulator (NUFT) and supporting geochemical software and databases (SUPCRT92 and GEMBOCHS). We have used this capability to model saline-aquifer disposal at Statoil's North-Sea Sleipner facility during both prograde (active-injection) and retrograde (post-injection) phases of the process.
Simulation results suggest that in the near-field environment of Sleipner-like settings roughly 85% by mass of injected CO2 remains and migrates as an immiscible fluid phase (subject to hydrodynamic and structural trapping), about 15% dissolves into formation waters (solubility trapping), and <1% precipitates as carbonate minerals (mineral trapping). Although seemingly negligible, mineral trapping has enormous strategic significance. We have identified four distinct mechanisms: siderite-magnesite precipitates within inter-bedded and cap-rock shales, dawsonite cementation occurs throughout the intra-aquifer plume, and siderite-magnesite-calcite rind forms along both lateral and upper plume boundaries. Local porosity and permeability are reduced by each of these mechanisms; however, such reduction is most extreme in clay-rich shales, owing to their relatively large Fe and Mg concentrations. In our 20-year simulations, initial porosity and permeability of the basal cap-rock shale have been reduced by 8% and 22%, respectively. Hence, the strategic significance of mineral trapping: it continuously improves seal integrity and therefore containment of the voluminous immiscible plume and solubility-trapped CO2.