Site 0201 of the Mechanicsburg township holds the oldest archive, with a basal date of 16,197 ±97 14C years BP (Lab #AA45079). Within the sedimentary archive, a sharp transition from older, mottled clays to banded silt 4.5 m above the core base dates to 13,370 ±280 14C years BP (Lab #Beta 158295). High resolution loss-on-ignition (LOI) analysis shows consistently low organic productivity before this later date, then a dramatic increase in organic productivity above this transition. Chlorophyll content analysis, which yields a measure of phytoplanktonic biomass within the basin through time, corresponds with the LOI data.
Climate conditions within the 0201 site thus remained relatively stable during the time period from 16,197 ±97 to 13,370 ±280 14C years BP. On a more regional scale, site 0201 is one of a cluster of basins with basal radiocarbon dates that range from 15,350 ±100 to 16,197 ±97 14C years BP. These dates suggest that the ice margin had receded north of the region as early as 16,197 ±97 14C years BP in order to allow this suite of kettles to form in a periglacial environment.