The DLESE site, Teaching Quantitative Skills in the Geosciences (, provides an overview of what geoscientists mean by quantitative skills, why they are important for our students, and information on related discussions taking place across the math and science communities. A section of the site devoted to methods for teaching quantitative skills provides access to peer reviewed articles by geoscience educators previously published in the Journal of Geoscience Education and an opportunity for discussion. A collection of classroom resources for teaching quantitative skills in under development.
The NSDL site, Using Data in the Classroom (, supports faculty in engaging students with data in their courses. A discussion list and associated summary page provide community wisdom on topics including motivations for engaging students with data, learning goals, and tips for success. Resource collections provide access to on-line tools for accessing and manipulating data, examples of current classroom practice, information addressing pedagogical and practical issues in using data in courses, as well as a set of stories describing how we would like to use data in courses in the future. A special section for developers provides a link between faculty discussion of classroom practice and those creating data access and manipulation tools for digital libraries of the future.
Together, these two sites provide a glimpse into mechanisms for linking classroom resources in digital libraries with information and services that can help educators teach more effectively—an important ingredient in systemic educational change.