2002 Denver Annual Meeting (October 27-30, 2002)

Paper No. 1
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM


SMITH, Christopher N., ESSENE, Eric J. and KESLER, Stephen E., Department of Geological Sciences, Univ of Michigan, 2534 C.C. Little Building, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1063, cnsmth@umich.edu

     The common ultramafic assemblage olivine-orthopyroxene-spinel may be used to calculate the oxygen fugacity of the magma chamber with which the assemblage equilibrated.  The basis for this thermobarometer is the reaction: 


6 Fe2SiO4 + O2 = 6 FeSiO3 + 2 Fe3O4


The Fe2SiO4 content of olivine and the FeSiO3 of orthopyroxene are measured readily on the electron microprobe. Determination of Fe3O4 in the spinel is made difficult by complex solid solutions.  The electron microprobe analyses for total iron and calculation of Fe3+ must be done based on assumed R3O4 stoichiometry of the spinel.  Activity-composition relations in spinel are further complicated by cation ordering between the octahedral and tetrahedral sites of spinel.  Experimental calibrations of cation disorder and reversal experiments have refined the thermobaromter into a practical tool for measuring fO2.  A version of the thermobarometer is given in a simplified parameterized form


log(fO2 - QFM) =  220/T + 0.35 – 0.0369P/T – 12 log XolFe – 2620/T XolMg2

+ 3 log(XM1Fe * XM2Fe)opx + 2 log aspFe3O4


where P is pressure in bars and T is absolute temperature (Wood et al., 1990; Sack and Ghiorso, 1991b).

     Samples of Pt-Pd ore from the Merensky reef and chromite ore from the Jackless mine, South Africa were analyzed by EMPA.  Olivine compositions range from Fa0.11-0.18, pyroxene from Fs0.10-0.16 and spinel from Fe0.58-0.68Mg0.35-0.43Fe3+0.08-0.20Al0.57-0.74Cr1.00-1.33Ti0.01-0.03O4.  Oxygen fugacity values range from 0 to +1 log fO2 relative to QFM, somewhat more oxidizing than MORB glasses and typical mantle lherzolite xenoliths.  Temperatures obtained from olivine-spinel geothermometry extend from 600 °C to 1110 °C, likely due to subsolidus reequilibration and accompanying hydrothermal alteration.  Multiple injections of magma into the body of the intrusion are directly related to the formation of the ore horizon at the Merensky Reef, and the current data suggest that this occurs under relatively reducing conditions despite the substitution of 12-25% Fe3O4 in chromite.