Debris-flow behavior that cannot be mimicked by any specific rheology is evident in the field and is readily measured in controlled, field-scale experiments at the USGS debris-flow flume. Results of these experiments illustrate the importance of interactions between mixture deformation, pore-pressure change, and grain-size segregation. Almost universally, coarse-grained snouts that form at the fronts of advancing debris-flow surges have lower pore pressure and greater internal and basal friction than does finer grained debris behind these fronts. The presence of high-friction snouts pushed from behind by more-fluid debris controls debris-flow runout distance, levee formation, and deposit morphology. The most realistic numerical models account for evolving interactions of high-friction snouts with trailing debris as well as for mass and momentum conservation as debris flows move unsteadily (from initiation to deposition) across three-dimensional terrain. Effects of progressive erosion or sedimentation by debris flows have not yet been modeled in a satisfactory manner.