Cordilleran Section - 98th Annual Meeting (May 13–15, 2002)

Paper No. 0
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM


LOWERY, Patrick S., AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc. – GeoMelt Div, 309 Bradley Blvd., Suite #115, Richland, WA 99352,

The GeoMelt process is used for remediation of soil-bound wastes. The process is typically employed to treat the soil/waste matrix in situ. Joule heat generated by appli-cation of an electrical potential to electrodes inserted into the matrix is used to develop and propagate a pool of molten soil. The environment created by the advancing melt pyrolizes organic and other volatile wastes in the ground. An off-gas hood that covers the area under treatment captures the gaseous products of pyrolysis and any other trace gaseous emanations generated by the process. These are then passed through an off-gas treatment system for final processing.

The process has been employed over a wide range of scales – from bench-scale involving melts of a few kilograms in size, to large-scale melts of up to 1000 tonnes.

At the conclusion of the powered portion of the process, the melt solidifies into an obsidian-like structure. Non-volatile wastes (e.g. – heavy metals) are immobilized in the monolith. The vitrified product possesses exceptional durability and weatherability properties. Consequently, the remaining hazardous constituents that are entombed in the monolith remain isolated from the surrounding ecosystem essentially for perpetuity.

This presentation covers a description of the GeoMelt process and its components, as well as a discussion of the physics and chemistry involved. A number of sites wherein the technology has been applied will also be presented.