Localities with high gold potential are associated with felsic to intermediate intrusive rocks, felsic to mafic volcanics, and epiclastic sedimentary rocks, and they often are concentrated in linear and what appear to be fold "trends". Rocks identified by all three models lie almost exclusively within the Zalm sub-terrane of the Afif lithotectonic terrane, in the east-central Shield. When known occurrences are overlain with the result maps, significant areas are identified by all three models that contain no known gold, making them particularly attractive targets for follow-up study. This is especially true in the northwest Zalm, although much larger areas of high potential are present in the center of the Zalm sub-terrane.
The area to be examined for gold within the Saudi Shield has been reduced by more than 98 percent using the Index Overlay Models, and more than 99 percent using the BLM. The IOM-BEM may be the most suitable model overall, as it is less restrictive than the BLM, yet uses the same reliable binary input grids as the BLM. The IOM-MCM by contrast enlarges the area of exploration to a level that may not be supportable.