Although primary pyrite-S isotope trends are often preserved despite complex burial histories, diagenetic effects are a concern for CAS. Our recent work in modern and ancient settings, however, has shown that interactions with meteoric or low-sulfate fluids appear to affect only sulfate concentrations and have little, if any, influence on primary S isotope compositions. Our preliminary efforts also suggest that secondary carbonate precipitation and the presence of pyrite do not isotopically compromise CAS in organic-rich sediments, although the analytical artifacts remain poorly known.
An ideal setting for defining and refining shale CAS methods is the Pennsylvanian cyclothems of midcontinent North America. The repetitive nature of the cyclothems conveniently yields calcareous mudstones and clean limestones that are interbedded across narrow stratigraphic gradients in paleoredox and in concentrations of organic matter and pyrite. Furthermore, sulfate in biogenic and authigenic apatite spanning the facies, particularly the black shales, provides independent control on seawater sulfate and diagenetic overprints. Our ability to measure S isotope offsets between sulfate and sulfide within individual samples should speak to sulfate concentrations, reservoir dynamics and specific microbial pathways of sulfate reduction as linked to oxygen concentrations in the ocean/atmosphere system. The latter has particular relevance to Precambrian paleoredox trends. In this talk, we will outline the CAS approach and emphasize our recent work with calcareous, fine-grained siliciclastic lithologies.