Northeastern Section - 37th Annual Meeting (March 25-27, 2002)

Paper No. 0
Presentation Time: 3:50 PM


FRASHERI, Alfred, Department of Physics of the Earth, Politechnic Univ of Tirana, Rr. Durresit Pall.7, sh.1, ap.6, Tirana, Albania, BUSHATI, Salvatore, Office of Projects, Academy of Sciences of Albania, Academy of Sciences of Albania, Tirana, Albania and BARE, Vilson, National Hydrocarbons Scientific Ctr, National Hydrocarbons Scientific Center, Fieri, Albania,

The Albanides represents the part of southern branch of the Mediterranean Folded Alpine Belt in the territory of Albania. In the paper are presented the structural analysis of the Albanides according to the seismological data, reflection seismic, gravity, magnetic, electrical, and geothermal surveys.

Two major peleogeographic domains form the Albanides. The Internal Albanides form part of the Subpelagonian Trough. The External Albanides was developed out of the western passive margin and continental shelf of the Adriatic plate. Regional gravity anomalies and seismological studies are interpreted as caused by the variation of the depth of Moho discontinuity, and a block construction of the crust. The Earth crust in Albanides is interrupted by a system of longitudinal fractures in NW - SE direction and transversal fractures. Intensive Bouger anomalies and turbulent magnetic field with weak anomalies characterize ophiolitic belt of the Internal Albanides. These data show about the allocton character of ophiolites. The relations between the Internal and the External Albanides have a nape character. A joint characteristic of structural belt External Albanides is their westward thrusting, too. Two tectonic styles are observed in the Ionian tectonic zone: duplex and imbricate tectonic. Miocene and Pliocene molasses of Preadriatic Depression cover Western part of Ionian zone.