2003 Seattle Annual Meeting (November 2–5, 2003)

Paper No. 7
Presentation Time: 9:30 AM


SORENSEN, S.S., Dept. Min. Sci, Smithsonian Inst, PO Box 37012, NMNH MRC-119, Washington, DC 20013-7012, HARLOW, G.E., Dept. Earth & Planetary Sci, AMNH, New York, NY 10024-5192 and RUMBLE III, D., Geophysical Laboratory, CIW, Washington, DC 20015, sorena@volcano.si.edu

Rare bodies of jadeitite (aggregates of near-end-member jadeite) represent variably deformed and recrystallized, fluid-deposited vein systems in HP/LT serpentinite-matrix mélanges. Because mineral d18O signatures can yield fluid source characteristics, we analyzed oxygen isotopes in cathodoluminescence (CL)-zoned jadeitite samples, previously analyzed for trace elements by SIMS.

Twenty d18O analyses were made for 6 jadeitites from Guatemala, California, Japan, Burma, and Kazakhstan. Separates from 2 samples and Eiler et al.’s (1997) jadeite standard were also analyzed by laser fluorination. Four samples yielded d18O from 8.18 to 9.89‰; two ranged from 4.45 to 7.07 ‰. Two samples are zoned in d18O: in CJ-01 (Burma) bright green-CL zones (4.9 ‰; rich in Li, Rb, Ti, MREE, Zr) contrast with blue-CL zones (8.89 to 9.33 ‰, rich in Be); in sample 112552-1, (Japan), a bright green (4.45 ‰, rich in Li, Be, REE, Zr) zone again contrasts with red-blue zones (6.22 to 6.62 ‰, rich in Rb). Separates from 112552-1 yield d18O of 6.63 to 7.07‰. T-estimates based on d18O exchange between albite and jadeite range from 299o (CJ-01, Burma) to 414oC (112538, Guatemala), consistent with jadeitite-forming Ts predicted by phase equilibria and fluid inclusion data.

As has been shown for other minerals, SIMS detects large variations of d18O within (in this case, trace element- and CL-) zoned grains, which may go unnoticed in whole-rock samples or mineral separates. Globally, jadeitite-forming fluids apparently differ by as much as 5‰ in their d18O values. Jadeitite-forming fluids with such distinct d18O characteristics may have originated from different depths within subducting oceanic crust (e.g., pillow basalt versus gabbro) that underwent seafloor alteration at different temperatures, as is documented for high P/T meta-ophiolitic terrains.