2003 Seattle Annual Meeting (November 2–5, 2003)

Paper No. 10
Presentation Time: 3:45 PM


WYKES, Jeremy L. and MAVROGENES, John A., Research School of Earth Sciences and Geology Department, Australian National University, ACT, Canberra, 2611, jeremy.wykes@geology.anu.edu.au

The solubility of H2O in sulfide melts and hence the effect of H2O on the melting point of sulfides has been of interest to petrologists and economic geologists for decades. Inherent difficulties associated with performing sulfide-bearing experiments have prevented conclusive determination of the effect of H2O on sulfide melting. However, development of a new experimental method has permitted (re)investigation of the effect of H2O on sulfide melting in the FeS-PbS-ZnS system.

Cold-pressed polycrystalline galena capsules are a departure from traditional capsule methods, wherein the capsule is a sealed, inert, and (relatively) impermeable container of the experiment. In contrast, galena capsules actively participate in the experiment, providing a PbS component to the melt. FTIR spectroscopy of hydrous silicate glasses have demonstrated galena capsules are capable of sealing free H2O to produce H2O-bearing silicate melts. Cold-pressed polycrystalline capsules show promise for experiments involving reactive components (sulfides, arsenides etc.), and polyphase polycrystalline capsules may serve as both a capsule and an fS2/ fO2 buffer assemblage.

New experimental data for the FeS-PbS-ZnS system reveals that the addition of H2O depresses the solidus by 35 ±5 °C relative to the dry eutectic of 900 °C at 1.5 GPa. The presence of dissolved H2O is confirmed by the occurrence of vesicles in the sulfide melt quench intergrowth.

It has been suggested that the quartz-sulfide veinlets, associated hydrothermal alteration and high-salinity fluid inclusions from the Strathcona Deep Copper Zone, Sudbury, represent an aqueous fluid exsolved from a cooling sulfide melt. Confirmation of the solubility of H2O in sulfide melts permits reconciliation between experimental results and field observations. Recent recognition of sulfide melting in response to high-grade metamorphism presents a situation in which hydrous sulfide melts could be expected.