North-Central Section - 37th Annual Meeting (March 24–25, 2003)

Paper No. 3
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM


PECK, John, Office for Terrestrial Records of Environmental Change, Department of Geology, Univ. of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-4101, MULLEN, Andrea and SZABO, John,

At Garfield Heights, OH, an exposed sediment section spans (from top to bottom) the Late Wisconsinan (till, loess, lacustrine sediment, upper loess), Middle Wisconsinan (lower loess, paleosol accretion-gley), and Illinoian (gravel having a B3 Sangamonian soil at the upper surface). Prior studies of this site have provided important insight on Wisconsinan stadial-interstadial stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental conditions. We revisited this classic site for the purpose of assessing if rock-magnetic measures of magnetic concentration, grain-size and mineralogy could be used to delineate sedimentary units and provide paleoenvironmental information.

The rock-magnetic parameters display pronounced variations corresponding to the major lithologic unit boundaries. The magnetically coarsest-grained units are the loesses. These intervals also have the smallest percentage of clay in the < 2 mm fraction. Conversely, as clay content of the < 2 mm fraction increases, the magnetic grain size decreases, thus magnetic grain size generally reflects the bulk sediment (< 2 mm) grain size. Rock-magnetic parameters also provide insight on paleoenvironmental conditions. For example, the Middle Wisconsinan paleosol accretion-gley is characterized by large amounts of extremely fine-grained (superparamagnetic), low-coercivity minerals (e.g., magnetite, maghemite). This magnetic mineral assemblage is characteristic of pedogenic enhancement and thus supports the paleosol accretion-gley interpretation for this unit. The top most 20 cm of the Middle Wisconsinan lower loess unit is leached silt having low concentrations of coarse-grained, high-coercivity minerals (hematite, goethite) suggestive of intense weathering before the accumulation of the upper loess unit (Late Wisconsinan).

This study demonstrates that rock-magnetic measurements can provide additional information useful in defining interstadial/stadial lithostratigraphy and for understanding paleoenvironmental conditions.