More than 400 students were tested on a weekly basis during the 2002 Fall semester. Results of a questionnaire answered by >95% of all students indicate that: (1) 54% of all students prefer the WeBWorK system over other testing methods (rated most favorably by freshman and sophomores); (2) immediate feed-back during tests was very unpopular (>70% of students want to eliminate this feature); (3) 75% of all students were happy with images presented on a computer; and (4) the incidence of technology failure or user error was low (<10% and <15% of students indicated any problems during semester).
Implementing the WeBWorK system during the Fall 2002 semester resulted in a 10% reduction in laboratory marks (compared to those obtained in previous years) and a reduction of documented cheating. The decrease in marks was probably caused by both the new WeBWorK testing system providing each student with a unique test (making it more difficult to transfer knowledge about the test) as well as complete revision of all laboratory questions to make them more rigorous. Comparison of assigned (by a panel of instructors and lab assistants) and actual question difficulty indicates that difficulty rankings for some questions need to be recalibrated. The Fall 2002 semester results will be used to redefine the difficulty of questions and thereby modify the question selection process in order to achieve a target average mark of 75% in future labs.