Paper No. 2
Presentation Time: 1:55 PM
Sulfide mineralogy was the subject of the first ever 'Reviews in Mineralogy' volume (Ribbe,1974)and was soon followed by the more wide-ranging text 'Mineral Chemistry of Metal Sulfides' (Vaughan and Craig, Cambridge Univ Press,1978). Together these provided comprehensive coverage of the field, and emphasised the extensive knowledge base in the areas of sulfide crystal structures, crystal chemistry, and phase relations. Both also broke new ground in the discussion of chemical bonding in sulfides. The major motivation behind many sulfide studies at this time was their role as the most important group of metalliferous ore minerals.
In the 30 years since the publication of the MSA volume, major new areas of interest in sulfide minerals have developed.These have arisen from an appreciation of the importance of sulfides in environmental geochemistry, and involved studies of their surface chemistry, behaviour as fine particulates, role as catalysts, and interactions with biological systems.
Some key examples of these developments in sulfide mineralogy will be reviewed with particular emphasis on surface chemistry, surface reactivity, and behaviour of fine particulate sulfides. Potential new directions for sulfide studies will also be highlighted.