2004 Denver Annual Meeting (November 7–10, 2004)

Paper No. 7
Presentation Time: 1:30 PM-5:30 PM


DE PAOR, Declan, MELANSON, Heather and WILSON, Elizabeth, Department of Earth Sciences, Boston Univ, 685 Commonwealth Av, Boston, MA 02215, N/A

Geological studies are fundamentally four dimensional, yet structural and geophysical analyses using stereographic projections ("stereonets") and first-motion diagrams ("beachballs") have always been limited to the static presentation of the orientations of lines and planes either at a particular instant in time, or averaged over an extended, usually unknown, period.

We present the initial results of an on-going software development project aimed at enhanced visualization of stereonets. Our application, called "TempoNet," permits analysis of orientation data as it changes with time. Applications include the real-time monitoring of first motions, restoration of folded and tilted strata or fabrics, and forward modeling of the effects of deformation on sets of oriented lines and planes.

We anticipate that TempoNet will help researchers to recognize patterns of structural orientations that emerge sequentially, and help students to better understand the significance of spatial data in the evolution of structures.