Campers are chosen during their fifth grade year from four elementary schools in the Claremont (California) Unified School District. Principals from the schools nominate students (1) who have expressed interest in science and (2) are from socioeconomic backgrounds which would most likely limit or prevent them from attending a summer science camp. The program is free to all participants.
During the week of G.I.R.L.S. Camp, the campers are encouraged to explore a variety of science experiments generated by their teenaged teachers. This year, the 24 campers focused on geology, paleontology, astronomy, biology/anatomy, physics, chemistry, and oceanography through many experiments and hands-on activities. Geology and paleontology lesson highlights included: rock and mineral identifications, planetary geology/astronomy activities using the Claremont Unified School Districts STARLAB portable planetarium, paleontological field techniques, and both microvertebrate and macroinvertebrate fossil preparation and identification. Other lesson activities included a shark dissection, a mini-fireworks experiment and an oceanography cruise and tidal pool excursion. The camp provided a wonderful opportunity for the campers and student instructors to spend a week in an energetic academic environment and to expand their enthusiasm for scientific discovery.