The challenges arise in: 1) developing a framework and procedures that facilitate multi-disciplinary exchange of project data sets among ISGS scientists; 2) converting non-digital data to digital format in a timely and efficient manner; and 3) delivering products (maps, databases, models) to the scientific community, other government agencies, and the public. To meet these challenges we added new fields to existing data bases; built multi-access working databases; and developed web-based forms for data entry.
We implemented the centralized mapping database for a pilot study of the Central Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition in northeastern Illinois. This database allows the seamless transfer of data from which 3-D lithologic, stratigraphic, and hydrostratigraphic models of subsurface geology can quickly be constructed and delivered to clients via various media and/or the internet. The 3-D models developed for this project are being used to better define groundwater sources, to map aggregate resources, and to provide baseline data for engineering and environmental protection studies.