Utilizing simple analytical solutions developed for reservoir management, we have developed possibly new field techniques to facilitate the calculation of sinkhole infiltration rates and predict the rate of sinkhole inflow which would result in storm spills to newly evolving channel corridors. The technique was tested with two sinkholes during two different rainfall events in December 2003 and February 2004. These two small-recurrence, low-intensity rainfall events resulted in only 1.5 to 2 inches of total rainfall over 10 to 14 hours; one sinkhole spilled and the other sinkhole came within 8 inches of spilling. Geomorphic field evidence suggests that these sinkholes likely spilled only during significant rainfall events in the past, on the order of one to several centuries over the past several thousand years. Results indicate that the two tested sinkholes presently have similar maximum infiltration rates (5 to10 cfs), despite very dissimilar morphologies. The apparent dramatic increase in the frequency of sinkhole spills and possible increase in sediment transport -- during typical winter storms highlights the need to focus our attention towards understanding the hydrologic dynamics of sinkholes. With an increased understanding, preservation of cavern and subterranean habitat and downstream channel corridors can be planned in parallel with campus growth. We believe our capacity-analysis technique and the broader habitat based approach can be widely applied in karst environments.