2004 Denver Annual Meeting (November 7–10, 2004)

Paper No. 4
Presentation Time: 9:20 AM


SENSKE, David Senske, Jet Propulsion Lab, MS 301-335A, 4800 Oak Grove Dr, Pasadena, CO 91109, PLAUT, J.J. and CHRISTENSEN, P.R., dsenske@jpl.nasa.gov

The Mars Odyssey mission has collected science data for over one Mars year. Observations are obtained by three science instrument packages: (1) the Gamma Ray Spectrometer suite (GRS), which is composed of the Gamma Sensor Subsystem (GSS), the Neutron Spectrometer (NS) and the High Energy Neutron Detector (HEND), (2) the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS), and (3) the Martian Radiation Environment Experiment (MARIE). Currently, two of the three science investigations are returning data. The MARIE instrument was disabled during intense solar activity in October of 2003 and is in a powered off state. The Odyssey mission has added significantly to our understanding of Mars. Gamma and neutron observations of the high latitudes have been used to identify water-ice-rich soil to 1-m depth at latitudes poleward of 60° north and south along with identifying enigmatic deposits of hydrogen in mid-latitudes. The THEMIS instrument has provided daytime and nighttime infrared imaging over 87% and 99% of the planet respectively. These data show diverse temperature signatures, implying surface properties ranging from bedrock outcrops to areas with extensive dust coverage. Visible imaging campaigns have provided comprehensive views of the Polar Regions, allowing assessment of surface variations as a function of season. The MARIE instrument has detected radiation signatures from solar activity during its 18 months of operation, including events with significantly different signatures at Mars and Earth. The orbiter has played a key role as a data relay platform for the Mars Exploration Rovers. Coordinated observations between the rovers and Odyssey provide ground truthing of the orbital data. The Odyssey prime mission will be completed in August 2004. In an extended mission, activity will focus on inter-annual comparative observations, global high-resolution mapping by the THEMIS visible camera and synergistic science and operations support for other Mars missions.