The diagenetic modeling approach used by Collins and Riley (2000) has been applied to the analysis of quantitative amino acid data from deep-sea foraminifera (Muller, 1984). Data for free and bound D-alloisoleucine and L-isoleucine in two foram taxa ranging from ~0 to ~1000 kyr (Muller, 1984) are among the best constrained (temporally and thermally) results for any carbonate fossils. Mullers (1984) results are modeled in terms of a three-component system, with each component having its own characteristic hydrolysis rate constant. Initial component abundances and hydrolysis rate constants are determined using least-squares curve-fitting routines, incorporating constraints using the method of Lagrange multipliers. The apparent racemization kinetics of Orbulina and Globoratalia, slow- and fast-racemizing taxa, respectively, are most influenced by significant differences in the abundance of a refractory component (64% and 52%, respectively) whose hydrolysis constant also varies by a factor of two (Orbulina < Globorotalia). The models developed here are appropriate for carbonate systems that are more open than fossil eggshells (Miller et al., 2000; Collins and Riley, 2000). Our current models are tested with racemization data from mollusk samples from several Quaternary coastal sequences, including some samples from arid Peruvian sites where closed-system diagenesis is more possible than in humid mid-latitude sites.