More recent studies have filled in some of the gaps' in Ramsbottom's data and re-examined some of his systematic studies. Most particularly, the Llandovery crinoids, and their recovery after the end Ordovician extinction, have received renewed attention, such as those from the Rhuddanian of southwest Wales and Brower's description of the Telychian fauna from the Pentland Hills. There are still well-preserved specimens in museums awaiting adequate description and new specimens are being discovered in the field, yet perhaps the greatest untapped potential lies in the undescribed accumulations of disarticulated ossicles (F.E.F., research in progress).
The diverse and justly famous crinoids of the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation of the Dudley area were described mainly during the 19th and early 20th century, yet there is no comprehensive guide to this fauna. However, R.E.W. has revised most groups (excluding disparids) for her Ph.D. (University of Birmingham, 2001), which is awaiting publication. Although Ramsbottom did publish an account of the Ludlow crinoids, this failed to include description of locally abundant Scyphocrinites accumulations.
We consider two developments desirable. S.K.D. and D.N.L. have written a pocket guide to the British Silurian Echinodermata (although we still have to find a publisher!). However, a monographic study is a must and remains the long term goal of the authors, building on the legacy of Ramsbottom's original study.