This method provides strong student motivation for evaluating example papers of various qualities, reading peer papers and noticing different writing styles, and evaluating their own work according to the guidelines set by the instructor.
The assignment results in 2 scores. The first is the score for the quality of the paper and is based on the 3 peer reviews, weighted by the reviewer's mean square error from the rubric item scores. Instructor assigned scores over-ride peer scores. The second score is for the "quality of the reviews." It is based on the student's rms error from the 3 calibration papers, the difference between the peer reviewed paper scores and its actual score, and the difference between the scoring of his/her own paper and its final score.
The report screens in EarthEd Online allow the instructor to quickly identify papers where the student's own score varies significantly from the peer assigned score. These are graded by the teaching assistants or instructor. For the 4 written assignments, 61% to 75% of the peer scores were within 90% of score assigned by the student to her/his own paper. 15 to 20% of the papers were scored by the teaching assistants, with most adjustments less than 20%. The final exam indicated increased student learning.