The EIS major at LCSC consists of a liberal arts core, a robust set of chemistry, math and physics courses, a core suite of Geology courses and several relevant GIS and computing courses. The Geology component consists of Environmental Earth Science, Historical Geology, Earth Surface Processes (a computationally intensive GIS based version of Geomorphology) and Structural Geology (taught at the senior level). A previous reorganization of the Geology curriculum resulted in a year long two-course sequence (Earth Materials I and Earth Materials II) effectively combining previous offerings in Mineralogy, Optical Mineralogy and Sedimentary, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrograhy. The GIS courses include a sophomore introduction to Geographic Information Science and senior level advanced GIS and remote sensing courses. The major is rounded out with a required database course and electives in hydrology and computing.
The central aspect of the new EIS major is a comprehensive integration of GIS based three- and four-dimensional analysis with traditional geology. The result is a tightly integrated undergraduate experience emphasizing computationally intensive, GIS based spatial analysis of Earth Science problems providing students with a relevant and marketable bachelor's degree.