2005 Salt Lake City Annual Meeting (October 16–19, 2005)

Paper No. 11
Presentation Time: 10:45 AM


KLUESNER, Jared1, RATHBURN, Anthony E.1, PÉREZ, Elena1, BASAK, Chandranath1 and GIESKES, Joris M.2, (1)Geography, Geology, and Anthropology, Indiana State Univ, Science Building 159, Terre Haute, IN 47809, (2)Integrative Oceanography Division-0218, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 9500 Gilman Drive, la Jolla, CA 92093, jkluesner2@mymail.indstate.edu

The ecology of benthic foraminifera living in the Venice Lagoon was evaluated as part of an international effort examining the biota and chemistry of Lagoon sediments (SIOSED). Vertical distribution patterns of living (Rose Bengal-stained) foraminiferal assemblages (>150µm) were examined in sediments from push cores taken on a transect of contaminated sediments within the Lagoon. Calcareous taxa comprised 99% of foraminiferal assemblages at sites within class C and class B contamination zones. At a site within zone B maximum foraminiferal assemblage densities occurred at the surface (0-1cm) interval whereas a site within zone C had an infaunal density maximum. Dominant taxa at both sites included: Ammonia sp. and Quinqueloculina sp. Foraminifera were also evaluated for aberrant test morphologies that previous studies of other areas suggest may be related to the presence of contaminants in the sediments. This study provides some of the first information about the microhabitat preferences of Venice Lagoon foraminifera, and will improve our understanding of the factors that influence ecosystems and geochemical cycling in the Lagoon.