Paper No. 18
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Fossil echinoderms from the Caribbean are well documented in the islands of Jamaica and Cuba, among others. Nevertheless, in the last 20 years, very little have been done about the fossil Echinodermata from Puerto Rico. In this work fossil Echinodermata from Puerto Rico were collected and identified. Formations studied includes the Cretaceous Rio Maton Lms, the Bahia Fosforecente and Punta Papayo Mbrs of the Parguera Lms, Yauco Fm, Guaniquilla Fm, Botijas Lms Mbr of the Pozas Fm and El Rayo Lms; the Tertiary Juana Diaz Fm, Unnamed Fm, San Sebastian Fm, Lares Lms, Cibao Fm, Ponce Lms and Aymamon Lms; and specimens from Beach sand deposits of Quaternary age. This is the first report of the Echinodermata from Puerto Rico to include the Class Stelleroidea as well as the Echinoidea. A compilation of previous works is presented with corrections to the stratigraphic settings and additions to the faunal listing in several formations are provided. This will greatly improve the understanding of this group in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.