In the southeastern Calico Mountains, the Calico fault - part of the central Mojave Desert dextral shear system - strikes WNW and forms a transpressional restraining bend with ~3 km of right-lateral slip and ~1 km of reverse (N-side-up) throw distributed on two main fault strands. The Calico fault may have originated as an early Miocene NE- or NNE-dipping normal fault that unroofed metavolcanic basement rocks in the footwall and created a hanging wall basin in which Pickhandle Formation strata accumulated. This extensional slip must have largely ceased prior to deposition of the Calico Member, which unconformably overlies the Pickhandle Formation north of the Calico fault and rests directly on metavolcanic rocks south of the Calico fault. Deposition of the Pickhandle Formation and at least part of the Calico Member were coeval with rapid unroofing and cooling of the central Mojave metamorphic core complex (Gans et al., this vol.), yet extension within the Calico Mountains is minor and is overprinted by strike-slip faulting.
Calico Member beds north of the Calico fault are intensely folded into numerous ~E-W-trending, upright anticlines and synclines that represent 25-30% N-S shortening. Folds are detached from the underlying Pickhandle Formation, which dips homoclinally ~15-30° S and SE. The geometry and distribution of folds are not compatible with gravity driven folding, folding due to dome emplacement, or wrench folding, but are best explained by transpression between the Calico Member and the Pickhandle Formation.