Diversity may be expressed as alpha (a-within sample), beta (b-among samples), and gamma (g-total samples) diversities. When studying how extinction affects diversity, only variations in a and g diversity are usually addressed. Two null models that examine changes in b diversity as a function of percent extinction are presented.
The first model expresses b diversity as the number of shared taxa between two communities using the Jaccard coefficient (J). Given an initial J (Ji) and an initial total richness for both communities, a random extinction of the same magnitude is carried out on each community, and a post-extinction J (Jp) is calculated.
For all values of Ji, Jp decreases with increasing extinction magnitude, indicating the number of shared taxa declines with high levels of extinction. The difference between Ji and Jp is greater for higher values of Ji because of the increased likelihood that shared taxa will be eliminated.
The second model examines diversity in the context of a hierarchical sampling strategy that allows for the additive partitioning of g diversity into mean a and b diversities at varying scales. For a geographic region, total g diversity is the sum of mean a diversity of the total samples collected and the mean b diversity between samples (b1), beds (b2), and facies (b3), respectively. The model assumes a regional maximum richness with varying levels of shared and unique taxa between two facies. All taxa in a facies have the same probability of occurrence in a sample and are randomly assigned to samples. Taxa in each sample have lognormally distributed abundances. For each facies, a given number of beds and samples are generated, and initial mean a and b values are calculated. A random extinction is imposed at regional level, and the hierarchy is resampled from the remaining taxa. Post-extinction mean a and b values are calculated.
Extinction has little effect on diversity partitioning except at the highest magnitudes; thus, any observed differences in partitioning from pre- to post-extinction would suggest the extinction was selective. The relative contribution of a1 increases with increased probability of taxon occurrence and number of shared taxa between facies, and b values scale accordingly. b1 and b2 contribute equally at low occurrence probabilities, but b2 is negligible at high probabilities.