Earth System Processes 2 (8–11 August 2005)

Paper No. 2
Presentation Time: 2:10 PM


PANCHUK, Karla M.1, HOLMDEN, Chris E.2 and KUMP, Lee R.1, (1)Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, (2)Department of Geological Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, 114 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2, Canada,

The Paleozoic carbon isotope (d13C) record is derived from carbonate rocks that were deposited in epeiric seas.  This record is used to reconstruct the history of global C-cycling by assuming that epeiric sea dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) mixed rapidly with the ocean/atmosphere C reservoir, so that the epeiric sea d13C signal reflects that of the global ocean.  It is an oversimplification, however, to assume that epeiric seas were homogeneous watermasses indistinguishable from the oceans in d13C.  For example, whole rock d13C values from across the well-constrained 454 Ma time slice of the Mohawkian Sea of Eastern Laurentia range by 4.5‰ due to a combination of local C-cycling processes and restricted circulation.  Epeiric sea d13C excursions are interpreted in terms of shifts in carbon storage between organic and inorganic carbon reservoirs, yet in a box model where the epeiric sea is treated as a reservoir distinct from the surface ocean, C transfer between organic and inorganic reservoirs appears to be only part of the story.  Changes in the circulation patterns that maintained the d13C gradient across the epeiric sea may also have provided a mechanism for driving d13C excursions.  Sea level rise may have increased the rate of DIC exchange between the epeiric sea and the surface ocean, causing the d13C of both reservoirs to become more alike.  With sea level fall, circulation may have been restricted, making continental influences more important for the epeiric sea, and driving the epeiric sea and ocean d13C apart.  This affects not only the epeiric sea d13C, but the d13C of the ocean, and the effects of sea level rise and fall may have been transmitted globally.  From this point of view, an increase or decrease in the scatter within the carbon isotope secular curve could be interpreted as change in the rate of exchange between the ocean/atmosphere system and the continental seas.  This is important for understanding the long term history of global C-cycling because it implies that the mean of the d13C secular curve, which is used as a descriptor of the d13C of the global ocean at a given time, could be biased toward d13C  values reflecting localized conditions within epeiric seas.