Various redox proxies in ancient sediments suggest that atmospheric O2 was low before 2.3 Ga. However, these arguments are vulnerable to the episodic nature of the sedimentary record; they can be challenged as representing atypical periods of time or unusual depositional settings.
An answer to such ambiguities may lie in a surprising location: The Earth's mantle. Solid earth geochemists have long noted the "Pb paradox", the observation that 206Pb/204Pb vs. 207Pb/204Pb in MORB and OIB defines a linear array with an "age" of 1.5 -- 2.0 Ga rather than the Geochron age of 4.55 Ga. Solutions involve ongoing creation of mantle reservoirs enriched in U/Pb (HIMU) compared to the bulk Earth. Integration of U-Pb systematics into numerical simulations of mantle convection show that the paradox is solved if HIMU regions were absent in the Archean [1]. This condition is satisfied if there was a post-Archean increase in the flux of U relative to Pb to the mantle via subduction. The potential connection to Earth's surface redox state lies in the fact that most of the U in the downgoing slab is derived from U dissolved in seawater, in the form of authigenic U in sediments and in hydrothermally-altered basalts. This non-detrital U is transported from the crust to the oceans dissolved in rivers. Because the mobility of U, in contrast to Pb, increases with rising O2, the Pb paradox can be solved if the Archean atmosphere was insufficiently oxidizing to mobilize U; a rise in O2 after 2.3 Ga would have increased the flux of U relative to Pb to the seafloor and ultimately into the mantle [1, 2 and references therein]. A similar argument can explain 232Th/238U and 208Pb/206Pb systematics [2]. Recent measurements of redox-sensitive metals in Precambrian sediments support this scenario [3].
Although it is not the only solution to the Pb paradox [1], this redox scenario requires that low O2 was the norm throughout the Archean. Hence, if this solution proves correct, sedimentary evidence of low O2 in the Archean cannot be ascribed to unusual depositional settings or transient episodes of anoxia. Models of mantle geochemistry may provide a valuable time-integrated perspective on surface redox evolution that bridges the gaps of the sedimentary record.
1. Xie and Tackley, JGR 109: B11204, 2004
2. Elliott et al., EPSL 169: 129, 1999
3. Scott et al., this conference