Paper No. 1
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Phase relations in the system Pd-Sb-Te were investigated at 1000o, 800o, and 600oC, using the sealed capsule technique. The quenched products were studied by reflected light microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electron micriprobe analysis. At 1000oC, palladium, Pd20Sb7, mertieite II, stibiopalladinite, and Pd5Sb2 are stable solid phases. At 800oC, sudburyite, Pd5Sb3, Pd7Te3, together with two complete solid solutions, Pd20Sb7-Pd20Te3 and Pd8Sb3-Pd8Te3 occur additionally. At 600oC, merenskyite, tellurantimony, sudburyite, kotulskite appear as stable phases.X-ray diffraction data show the synthetic PdSb2 phase to be cubic, probably with space group P213. Testibiopalladite, ideally PdSbTe, may be a member of the PdSb2-Pd(Sb0.32Te0.68)2 solid solution series. Borovskite has not been found in the synthetic system.