Paper No. 3
Presentation Time: 2:45 PM
The UMTRA Program was established with the enactment of the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978 (UMTRCA). Title I of UMTRCA authorized DOE to remediate with government funding the inactive formerly licensed millsites and tailings impoundments. Out of the original 24 designated processing sites, nine were locatted in western Colorado. Over 4300 vicinity properties in the areas of the processing sites were remediated, with more than 4000 of the properties being located in the Grand Junction area. In addition to remediating surface tailings, DOE was also responsible for addressing contaminated groundwater associated with the former millsites. DOE spent over $1.5 billion to complete the surface cleanup, with over $900 million spent on the nine sites in western Colorado. The last tailings were moved in 1998 while cleanup of gorundwater is ongoing. The paper and discussion will provide an overview of the program, and in addition, the following will be briefly discussed: -Facts on each disposal cell located in western Colorado -Unique design features -Vicinity property program -Benefits of the UMTRA program -Legacy Management Program (long term surveillance and monitoring)