2006 Philadelphia Annual Meeting (22–25 October 2006)

Paper No. 5
Presentation Time: 9:00 AM


KOHN, Matthew J., Department of Geological Sciences, University of South Carolina, EWS 617, 701 Sumter St, Columbia, SC 29208, mjk@geol.sc.edu

The CO3 component of fossil bone apatite is thought to recrystallize and alter chemically and isotopically on time-scales similar to that of the formation of soils. Therefore, C- and O- isotope compositions should serve as a paleosol and paleoclimate proxy. This hypothesis was tested and confirmed with mid- to late-Cenozoic fossils from Oregon and Idaho, albeit with some complications: (1) Isotope compositions of fossil bone CO3 do not correlate directly with compositions of syn-stratal paleosol CO3, but rather correlate better with a combination of syn-stratal and next-higher paleosol compositions. This suggests that bone CO3 alters more slowly than formation of paleosol CO3. (2) Aridity confers strong positive deviations to δ18O values, and must be corrected for based on correlations with increased δ13C values. Corrected bone composition corresponds well with the known mid- to late-Cenozoic isotope record in Oregon, confirming its potential as a paleoclimate proxy. Bone CO3 compositions across the Eocene-Oligocene transition (EOT), in the WY-SD-NE region provide additional paleoclimate insight (Zanazzi et al., this meeting). In Nebraska, ~200 bone fragments from a ~100 meter section straddling the EOT provide 20-40 kyr temporal resolution. These data show an abrupt, 1.65±0.28‰ (±2σ) increase in bone CO3 δ18O at the EOT, with no resolvable change to δ13C (–0.15±0.19, ±2σ). Tooth enamel isotope compositions from before and after the EOT show no change to δ18O (±~0.5 permil), indicating that local water compositions remained constant. The increase in bone δ18O therefore reflects an abrupt drop in mean annual temperature (MAT): -8±3 °C (±2σ). Bone and tooth compositions from before and after the EOT may be used to infer absolute MAT, albeit with greater uncertainty because of calibration uncertainties for tooth enamel vs. water: latest Eocene = 27±8 °C, earliest Oligocene = 17±8 °C. Although bone clearly must alter in situ in soils, alteration rates for fossils in fact remain poorly known. Estimates include ~0.1 yrs for unusual soft tissue preservation, 1-1000 yrs for fossil teeth (Kohn, this meeting), and 10000-50000 yrs for archeological bone. Better understanding of fossilization processes will ultimately improve interpretation of fossil bone compositions.