Holocene soils have the highest average concentrations for all 42 elements analyzed with the exception of Si and Zr. Pliocene soils have the highest Si and Zr due to the presence of residual minerals quartz and zircon. Holocene soils exhibit a mean Si/Ca ratio of 2.0 and illite/smectite clay ratio of 5.0, while the older Pliocene soils average ratios of 20.0 for each. Pleistocene soils fall between these end members. Both ratios show positive trends with increasing soil age. Soils with high clay content correlate with abandoned fluvial channels. Although trace element concentrations were highest in the Holocene deposit adjacent to the Rio Grande, these values were not considered anomalous.
Statistical results indicate the elemental concentrations of Si, Zr, Ca, Al and Mg are distinctive and can be used to aid delineation of the underlying geologic units. Soils developed on the Qds however, display a wide array of elemental concentrations indicating that they are not a chemically homogenous unit, consistent with data from ASTER image processing results and airborne gamma-ray survey analysis. Geochemical correlations with geologic contacts are observed, however some lateral soil geochemical boundaries appear blurred, possibly a product of agricultural processes. GIS analysis combining mineralogy, geology and geochemical thematic layers identified areas for further environmental studies. Future work will focus on the impact of elevated trace metal concentrations on environmental and human health.