2006 Philadelphia Annual Meeting (22–25 October 2006)

Paper No. 4
Presentation Time: 8:55 AM


MOOSAVI, Sadredin1, MILLER, Jim2, LUSARDI, Barbara3, BALGIE, Susan4, HARSTAD, Maryanna4 and MATHEW, Jean5, (1)M.S. Education, Walden University, 155 Fifth Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55401, (2)University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN 55811, (3)Minnesota Geological Survey, University of Minnesota, 2609 West Territorial Road, St. Paul, MN 55114-1009, (4)Lands and Minerals, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, 500 Lafayette Blvd, St. Paul, MN 55155, (5)Lands and Minerals, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, 1525 3rd Avenue East, Hibbing, 55746, smoosavi@waldenu.edu

The summer of 2006 marks the 10-year anniversary of the Minnesota Minerals Education Workshop (MMEW). This annual professional development workshop was conceived with the goal of providing geoscience education, resource materials and field exposure to K-12 Earth science teachers about the state's geology and mineral resources. It has been organized and conducted each year by an ad hoc group composed of staff from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and Minnesota Geological Survey with assistance from members of other state and federal agencies, representatives of academia, professional geologists, and K-12 teachers. Funding for the workshop is largely contributed by donations from the state's mining industry. Teachers pay a nominal registration fee with their only other costs relating to transportation to and lodging at the workshop. The MMEW is typically hosted by an academic institution in a different location of the state each year. Teachers receive continuing education credits for participation in the workshop and may also register for graduate credit from the host university.

The workshop is held over a three-day period during the first week in August. The first day is devoted to classroom sessions that provide information, activity and lesson plan ideas on various Minnesota-related geologic and mineral resource topics. Teachers choose 4 to 5 classes from a slate of 16-20 offerings over the course of the day. Each teacher receives a “resource box” containing geologic educational materials, lesson plan ideas, and rock samples. A field trip highlighting local geology including visits to local mining operations are organized for the second and third days. Optional evening activities are also offered (e.g., agate picking, fossil hunting, local tours).

The MMEW has attracted 55 to 85 teachers each year with waiting lists in some years. In recent years, about one-third to one-half of teachers are repeat attendees. By all measures, the MMEW has been a popular and successful continuing education option for Minnesota's Earth science teachers. Its continued success will depend on sustained support of the mining industry and on the commitment and expertise of volunteers from various state agencies, academic institutions, and K-12 educators themselves.