2006 Philadelphia Annual Meeting (22–25 October 2006)

Paper No. 12
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM


KYER, Jeffrey A., Master of Environmental Studies, College of Charleston, 66 George St, Charleston, SC 29424, LEVINE, Norman, Geology and Environmental Geosciences, College of Charleston, 66 George Street, Charleston, SC 29424 and NEWHARD, Jim, Classics, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, College of Charleston, 66 George St, Charleston, SC 29424, jakyer@bellsouth.net

Two field seasons have been spent investigating the geology, geomorphology, and geoarchaeology of the Göksu river valley in south-central Turkey. This river valley is currently scheduled to be flooded for a hydro-electric dam to be constructed at the mouth of the Çogla Canyon. Archaeology and geological investigations were made to determine the impact the dam would have on any historic and archaeological sites within the valley below the 310 meter contour level. This valley has been inhabited since the Paleolithic era and has undergone extensive deforestation and desertification. Geomorphic analysis is being used to determine the timing of the hydrologic changes.

A GIS database has been created as a part of these studies and been used to correlate the settlement patterns in the valley. These are being combined with the geomorphologic analysis and remote sensing data to determine any correlations between changes in the valley and the settlement patterns. Preliminary results show that the geology and soil types were major controls on the settlement sites. Additionally, erosion patterns are also a contributing factor to the survival of these settlement sites. Strong evidence has been discovered for the existence of a lake which reached the 310 meter contour prior to human occupation.