Morphological evolution is often modeled as a Markov process or system in which the future state (descendent morphology) is dependent only on the current one (ancestral morphology). The transition matrix defining the probabilities of moving from one region of morphospace to another is a measure of the expected rate at which specific A-D transitions occur. A-D transitions occurring with greater or lesser frequency than predicted given the overall behavior of the system are potential point equilibria.
In the absence of known A-D transitions, a Monte Carlo simulation is used to select random paths through morphospace over the sampled time interval within observed and simulated datasets. A hidden-Markov model is then use to estimate and evaluate the likelihood of transition matrices given the paths; the estimated matrix approaching the true set of probabilities with increasing numbers of sampled paths. This approach not only successfully matches trends generated via the underlying end-member processes (passive, bounded-passive, and active) with the appropriate causal mechanism, but also serves to elucidate more complex morphospace structure in both real and simulated data.