Zircon fractions from three samples have been dated by the U-Pb TIMS method. Quartz monzonite orthogneiss in the BS has an upper intercept age of 374 +/- 11 Ma, whereas a sample of felsic metavolcanic rock in the SGS have upper intercept ages of 369 +/- 4 Ma. Zircon fractions from a sample of metamorphosed rhyolite porphyry in the TS yielded an upper concordia intercept age of 336 +/- 9 Ma; however, there is evidence of Pb loss superposed on this discordia array containing inherited zircons of Early Proterozoic age, which suggests this is a minimum age.
Stratiform, volcanogenic massive sulfide-barite (VMS) deposits from both the SGS and TS contain del 34S values in sulfides that range from +9.0 to +14.4, indicative of a submarine volcanogenic setting. Pb isotope data from the Lloyd deposit in the SCS plot in a field defined by Alaskan, mid-Paleozoic VMS deposits. The productive Kantishna Sb-Ag-Au-polymetallic veins, which are hosted in the YTT, exhibit radiogenic Pb-Pb values and Ar/Ar ages indicating association with K-T plutonic rocks.
Metabasite from the BS can be classified as LREE-enriched island arc tholeiite, whereas the felsic metavolcanics in both the SCS and TS are mildly peralkaline, which is compatible to generation in a rift environment. The Devonian-to-Mississippian? plutonic and volcanic rocks in the KH are similar in character to magmatism observed in pericratonal terranes described elsewhere in Alaska and Canada.