Paper No. 23
Presentation Time: 5:00 PM-7:00 PM
The USDA-Funded Sustainable Agricultural Water Conservation research program (SAWC) is a joint Texas State University System (TSUS) project focused on the entire Rio Grande Basin and coordinated thru the Rio Grande Research Center at Sul Ross State University in Alpine Texas. The extensive land area covered by the Rio Grande watershed and diverse populations that rely upon its scarce resources, combined with the scarcity of information about the status of resources and systems within the basin's coverage area demand that this study be conducted to better identify and prioritize acceptable solutions addressing limitations to its sustainable use. The objective of the SAWC research is to provide assessment of the present environmental status of resources within the Rio Grande drainage basin relative to the drainage basin in its entirety. A Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) outline has been developed for the purpose of guiding the research projects, while allowing for the functional merging of diverse research capabilities available within the TSUS system. A rating-system for the integrity of areas under study is also under development to facilitate the interpretation and communication of study results. Research project categories include: Physical and biologic environmental assessment of systems within the basin; Surface and groundwater characterization research; Unique basin hydrology, water uses and demands; Land use change and impacts; Socioeconomic characteristics of the Basin; Policies and legislation; Institutions; Environmental degradation; Education and outreach. A central component of the study is the development of a basin wide action plan incorporating information from this and other research, input from institutions active within the Rio Grande and the concerns of stakeholders into a basin wide action plan to ensure the sustainable use of the Rio Grande.