Paper No. 10
Presentation Time: 4:50 PM
The Kentucky Geological Survey recently completed a 10-year endeavor to convert the statewide set of published 7.5-minute geologic quadrangle maps into a geographic information system format. KGS is currently developing Web-based tools for public access to the data, and is turning to Internet technologies such as ESRI's Internet Map Server (ArcIMS) and database connections through Active Server Pages to achieve this goal. ArcIMS allows users to use an Internet browser to view and query GIS data, and KGS has developed a customized ArcIMS service (via the Active X Connector) for viewing and querying the geologic map GIS data along with other related data (e.g., topography, base maps, oil and gas, water, springs, coal, and sinkholes). Using the functionality provided by the Active X Connector and ASP database queries, data from the geologic map ArcIMS site are linked to nonspatial databases, which allows users to explore for detailed geologic information pertaining to the map view. For example, a user can point to a specific geologic unit on the map and retrieve detailed descriptions from both the original GQ's and other sources. Detailed information about the oil and gas and water wells or springs can also be accessed, and users can view photographic images or images of cross sections, profiles, supplementary maps, or schematic diagrams if they are available for a location. The service also provides tools for users to construct reports from the geologic descriptions and other relevant data for a viewed area. Other tools provided on the service include a bookmark tool that allows users to save a customized map created from available map layers and map location, a coordinate identification tool, an azimuth and distance measuring tool, and a function which allows users to link to other Kentucky map services and geologic data for the same viewed area. Through the use of a customized ArcIMS system along with other Internet technologies, KGS is realizing their goal of offering a user-friendly system that can accommodate a wide variety of users to access the wide range of mapping and tabular geologic data that KGS provides.