Paper No. 3
Presentation Time: 2:20 PM
Many characteristics of hurricanes that are important to their potential impact on U. S. coastal
regions, including their frequency and track, are influenced by their ontogeny. Two types of
North American hurricanes can be distinguished on the basis of their ontogeny: tropical-only
(TO) and baroclinically-enhanced (BE) hurricanes. The former group develop at low latitudes,
unenhanced by middle latitude baroclinic influences. A greater understanding of the climate
modes that control hurricane formation will improve long-term predictive modeling of hurricane
development and help to clarify the relationship between hurricane frequency and global climate
change. Elsner and Kara (1999) noted the occurrence of a reversal in the proportion of tropical-only (TO) versus baroclinically-enhanced North Atlantic hurricanes (BE) ~ mid-1960s, where
TO hurricanes comprised the majority of annual storms between 1886 and 1965, and BE
hurricanes dominated from 1966 to 1994. Data since the mid-1990s suggest that we may again be
in a period of TO dominance. Climatic conditions that favor the formation of TO hurricanes tend
to inhibit the formation of BE hurricanes. We have examined the correlation between a
seasonally-resolved (earlywood-EW, latewood-LW) oxygen isotope time series of tree-ring
alpha-cellulose from long-leaf pines in Valdosta, Georgia, to various climate modes. From 1875
to 1950, EW d18O values show a significant negative correlation with SST anomalies in the
North Atlantic (AMO indices). From 1960 to 1990, EW isotopic compositions show a weaker,
and positive, correlation to AMO indices. The change in the isotope-AMO relationship is
approximately concurrent with the change from TO- to BE-dominated hurricane occurrence. The
seasonality of the isotope record (i.e., the difference between EW and LW d18O values) also
appears to respond to climate modes. Values of Δ(EW-LW) are ~ 2 ‰ over most of the period
1770 to 1930. In the decades 1930-1950 and 1970-1990, periods that roughly correspond to
warm phases of the PDO, Δ(EW-LW) are only a few tenths permil. These results suggest that
tree-ring oxygen isotope compositions are sensitive to changes in climate modes that control
hurricane frequency and may yield a rich archive of climate information.